KPK Arrests Parliament Member

Photo (INT).
JAKARTA.BONEPOS - KPK return to Capture Operation Hand ( OTT ). This time , a member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia from Hanura faction reportedly participate caught.

Information obtained , Tuesday, October 20, 2015 , the arrest occurred at around 19:00 pm this afternoon . Members of Parliament from Hanura faction was arrested in the middle of taking bribes.

Members of the fraction Hanura, Sudding Sarifuddin confirmed claimed to have heard colleagues caught Commission . However , Sudding not know who his colleagues from Hanura faction captured the Commission.

" Indeed, there he heard the news that OTT Hanura faction members . But do not know who , so want to find out the info , " said Sudding when confirmed.

However , until now, there has been no official statement from the Commission . Acting head of KPK Johan Budi and Indriyanto Seno Adji confirmed yet responded.

Enal Sahenal