Fahsar Opens Operational Cooperation Office Perusda

WATAMPONE.BONEPOS - Bone Head of Regional District, Dr. H. Andi M. Fahsar Padjalangi, M.Sc. inaugurated the Regional Office (Perusda) in Transport Building River Lake Crossing (ASDP), which is an office of Operational Cooperation (KSO) with Ocean Petro Energy in solar distribution in Bone regency, South Sulawesi, on Thursday (15/10/2015 ).

In the event, also made a welcoming event tanker load of 300,000 KL Solar Industry and launch a fleet of inland tank solar industry, as well as the determination of coordinates at Cappa Ujung Floating Barge District of Sibulue.

Director of Perusda Bone Rifai Saguni, operational cooperation (KSO) with Ocean Petro Energy put Bajoe port as the concentration distribution of diesel fuel in Bone regency, although the joint management and joint office in Wisma Kalla, Ratulangi Street Makassar South Sulawesi.

Attending the event were held Perusda Bone, namely Regent Bone Dr.H.Andi Fahsar M.Padjalangi, M.Sc. as well as some businessmen and investors from various areas such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Banjar Masin, Batam, and some of the other areas that participated in peresemian KSO present Perusda Bone with Petro Ocean Energy.

"Market East Indonesia and we are the main targets in the presence of tankers is that every liter of diesel are distributed in this area sought to be no income for the local revenue (PAD) Bone", said Rifai Saguni.

PT Ocean Petro Energy (OPetro) running on Business Activities General Fuel concentrated in regions that region is still a gap Demand & Supply, especially Indonesia. Fuel Supply Base operations support using the form feeder Oil Cargo LCT (Landing Craft Oil Tanker Cargo) and SPOB (Self Propeller Oil Barge).